Planet TV Presents the New Frontier Documentary Episode Featuring Kolvita Family Medical Group

New Frontiers is a captivating television series that explores the medical industry and personalized healthcare for individuals. New Frontiers is a short-form documentary series featured on television and multiple on-demand platforms.

MISSION VIEJO, Calif., May 25, 2021 ( – The New Frontiers episode featuring the Kolvita Family Medical Group, plans to air in the third quarter of 2021 and will also be airing on video-on-demand platforms such as Roku, iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and other various on-demand platforms.

Kolvita Family Medical Group was founded on the philosophy that your medical care should be personalized. A unique practice that elevates the stability of the Direct Primary Care model with the personalization of a Concierge practice. By removing the burdens of insurance carries and intrusive oversight of third-party entities, the physicians and staff can partner directly with patients and their families to focus exclusively on their personal medical care needs.

In this membership practice, patients have the security of knowing that their primary care needs can be provided for a single annual fee. There are no surprise copays, coinsurance, or deductible expenses. With a smaller patient base, patients enjoy prolonged office visits, same day/next day scheduling, home visits, and 24/7 access to their personal physician. Routine testing, vaccinations, and common medications are available at no additional cost.

In an era where the personal doctor-patient relationship is disappearing, Kolvita Family Medical Group pledges to their patients to consider their needs first and foremost. Their mission is to provide the highest level of care to meet each individual’s needs.

Planet TV Studios produces cutting-edge, real-life, television series that feature insightful, meaningful updates on the most important business, medical and socially responsible topics currently taking place in the areas most important to our lives. Planet TV Studios is a leading content creation company successful in films, television, documentaries, commercials, and docudramas.

New Frontiers is a captivating television series that explores the medical industry and personalized healthcare for individuals. New Frontiers is a short-form documentary series featured on television and multiple on-demand platforms.

For more information about Kolvita Family Medical Group, please visit:

For more information about the series, please visit or call Christian Alain at 888-210-4292 x100