About us.
Planet TV Studios produces cutting edge, real life, television series that features insightful, meaningful updates on the most important business, medical and social responsible topics currently taking place in the areas most important to our lives.
By capturing the true essence of each short form documentary, the program is able to effectively educate and communicate the most crucial stories to a wide audience through network television distribution.
Utilizing an efficient and wholly effective production cycle that clearly delineates the role of every team member, “Planet TV Studios” is able to deliver cutting edge HD programming with clarity and vision. The series maintains a consistent and unilateral quality assurance production process to guarantee that each documentary meets and exceeds network expectations. This foundation further ensures the highest quality content for broadcast.
With strategic partnerships across various media distribution outlets, “Planet TV Studios” continues to produce incredible stories featuring a wide variety of topics and personalities that serves to educate and entertain the viewing audience on the latest topics and trends impacting the World.

A leading content creation company successful in feature films, television, documentaries, commercials and branded content. Considered one of the most diverse production houses in North America for more than 20 years. We have cultivated a concept-first culture, where ideas and end product are paramount. Firmly believing that the direction of production is based on the currency of ideas, rather than the bigger is better model, We recalibrated our goals to a less is more approach, allowing our core team to evaluate potential projects on the idea, and the idea alone – allowing Planet TV Studio’s partners to be proud of what they are creating and reach audiences in bold, unique, and sometimes risky ways. Planet TV Studios is now in a rare and privileged position with an award winning and industry leading portfolio of work, strong relationships with clients, studios and networks in North America, and partnerships with the best international talent in the business. We are truly at the top of our game.
Our process.
Three “tests” are applied to every segment of the series in order to determine editorial acceptability.
Editorial Control Test.
Has the participant exercised editorial control? Could it?
Perception Test.
Might the public perceive that the underwriter has exercised editorial control?
Commercialism Test.
Might the public conclude the program is on television principally because it promotes the underwriter’s products, services or other business interests?
Our guidelines.
Based on these fundamental principles, MR has developed guidelines for the acceptance of program funding from third parties. These guidelines are intended to ensure:
That editorial control of programming remains in the hands of the producer.
That funding arrangements will not create the perception that editorial control had been exercised by someone other than the producer, or that the program has been inappropriately influenced by its funding sources.
That the noncommercial character of the programming is protected and preserved.