Planet TV Studios announces upcoming ‘New Frontiers’ episode featuring IntelliReefs, exploring impactful oceanic innovation.
BOCA RATON, FL, USA, April 26, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Planet TV Studios proudly announces a groundbreaking collaboration with IntelliReefs, a global leader in sustainable marine solutions and reef life restoration. This collaboration will be showcased in an upcoming segment of the acclaimed documentary series, “New Frontiers,” highlighting IntelliReefs’ Oceanscape Restoration, pioneering advancements in revolutionary Blue tech marine habitats, customizable to site, species and function, created using natural mineral compounds, which mimic nature.
“New Frontiers” is a meticulously curated documentary series that spotlights organizations at the forefront of shaping the future of sustainable marine solutions and reef life restoration. The series is set to air in the third quarter of 2024 on national television networks and premier platforms like Amazon, Google Play, and Roku, providing audiences worldwide with an opportunity to witness the latest innovations in marine conservation.
The upcoming segment with IntelliReefs will be hosted by the esteemed Gina Grad, a respected author, podcast host, and radio personality from Los Angeles. Gina’s dynamic storytelling and rich experience from co-hosting the Guinness World Record-holding podcast, the Adam Carolla Show, promise an engaging viewing experience. Apart from her broadcasting achievements, Gina authored “My Extra Mom,” offering valuable insights for blended families.
IntelliReefs, a sister company of the Reef Life Foundation, is dedicated to combating marine degradation and climate effects through effective ocean solutions. Their innovative Buy One, Give One approach links human actions with habitat preservation. By selling Oceanite, a groundbreaking artificial reef material, to projects focused on marine coastal protection and military-grade wave breaks, IntelliReefs aids in creating habitats. For every Oceanite sale, IntelliReefs donates habitats to the Reef Life Foundation. This support enables the distribution of Oceanite Coral Habitats to island and coastal communities in need, fostering the restoration of kelp forests, fish populations, and coral reefs.
Oceanite, developed over two decades of nano-materials expertise in collaboration with leading coral laboratories, surpasses traditional and “eco” cements with correct ocean Ph, generational durability. Its unique composition, customizable to site, species and species function including diverse pozzolanic components at the nano-scale, sets it apart as a game-changer in marine habitat restoration and preservation.
IntelliReefs’ ecosystem-inspired marine structures provide global ocean researchers, a “rapid settlement” aquaculture and species farming and seeding opportunities. Oceanite is Pervious, meaning water flows through the substrate, providing “hardscape” where coral larvae can attach, grow, and be protected, supporting the growth of coral and providing immediate habitat for other essential reef species. Unlike traditional artificial reef substrates, Oceanite boasts neutral pH levels conducive to marine life, promoting the growth of coral, kelp, seaweed, sponges, crustaceans, and fish.
Melody Brenna, CEO and Co-Founder of Reef Life Foundation, stated “Our mineral mixes are engineered to be cast into designs that are tailored to site, species, and function. We are committed to restoring and, where necessary, enhancing target environmental variables, by species seeding of Oceanite units for transport to the large-scale ocean habitats, deployed for coastal protection, putting natural marine species back where they were, when oceans developed, prior to human and industrial destruction. From eco-tourism to aquaculture, underwater art galleries to coral nurseries, IntelliReefs increase biodiversity, food and economic security, coastal protection, and create unparalleled, immersive underwater experiences that foster a deeper connection with nature.”
About IntelliReefs:
IntelliReefs is a global leader in sustainable marine solutions and reef life restoration, committed to reversing marine degradation and climate impact through innovative solutions such as Oceanite, a revolutionary artificial reef substrate. Through their Buy One, Give One business model, IntelliReefs connects human activity with habitat, supporting the distribution of Oceanite to coastal communities in need, through the Reef Life Foundation. In the dynamic landscape of environmental initiatives, cooperation is crucial. It involves uniting voices and perspectives from underrepresented and historically marginalized indigenous communities to shape a more sustainable future. Jessica Rose, a forward-thinking advocate, draws inspiration from her profound interest in indigenous tribes and globalization. Her dedication lies in promoting cultural understanding and environmental stewardship, responsibilities we all share.
For further information on IntelliReefs, please visit https://www.intellireefs.com. To learn more about the Reef Life Foundation visit https://www.reeflifefoundation.org.
About Planet TV Studios:
Planet TV Studios produces real-life television series featuring insightful updates on crucial business, medical, and socially responsible topics, providing viewers with an engaging and informative viewing experience.
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Christian Kelch
Planet TV Studios
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