Frequently Asked Questions.
Planet TV Studios is committed to providing quality educational programming and profiling feature stories on companies, organizations and individuals that are changing the way we live. The mission of the Planet TV Studios is to inform and educate our viewers nationally and internationally with positive stories.
How does a story qualify?
Planet TV Studios television shows have their roots in the broadcast industry and we continue to use this media as our core distribution vehicle. With the creation of networks that embrace our portrayal of important socio-economical developments, our program is in demand and has an audience waiting for it. Our sponsored educational programs can be found on local, regional and national networks in over 80 million households.
In a day and age when negative stories grace the headlines nationwide, we are looking for positive educational stories that provide solutions to problems. You simply need a great story to tell.
What type of stories are featured on the Planet TV Studios television series?
Planet TV Studios is an award-winning, privately owned production company which produces high quality education oriented programming. Our production team captures stories that cover a variety of topics ranging from advancements and innovations in Business, Sustainability, Education, Medical, Technology, and Medical related content. Your story may be exactly what we are looking for.
Are you interested in stories from smaller companies and non-profit organizations?
Planet TV Studios finds some of its best stories from organizations that are not the largest in the industry. Often times the success stories of smaller companies get overlooked and the purpose of our series is to bring them to life. Our producers have years of experience finding the best success stories and hidden gems.
How can we be featured on your show?
If your organization has a positive educational message, we want to hear it. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] .